Thursday, January 3, 2013


Hello!!! Welcome to my blog! My name is Sarah, I am 23 and I am slightly obsessed with all things beauty! It was not until about a year ago that I REALLY got in to makeup and other beauty items. Before then I wore makeup, but only eye makeup and I just wore it because, let's be honest, I was not about to go out in public Au Naturale! I've had a low self-esteem since middle school, so wearing even a little bit of makeup helped me feel a little better about myself. I first started wearing makeup in 7th grade with my Halloween costume that year and I liked how I looked wearing it. So after that my mom let me start wearing it to school and I have been hooked ever since! I started off just wearing eyeliner and mascara. Once I got to high school I started wearing eyeshadow. It wasn't until I got to college that I actually started wearing foundation, blush and bronzer. I saw instantly how much it evened out my skin tone and I will never go back to just wearing eyeliner and mascara (unless I'm running a quick errand and want to give my skin a break!). I use to do my makeup in just a routine kind of way, I didn't really have fun or like doing it until the last year. 
Over the past few months I have really come to enjoy doing my makeup. I give myself a long period of time to get ready before I have to leave the house, either for work or wherever I'm going! I just love it! I actually learned a lot about makeup from watching YouTube videos from beauty gurus! I probably watch close to 20 different gurus! Along with learning to do my makeup, I have learned a good skincare routine for my skin, I have learned what hair products work for my hair and I have learned different hair styles. I am also quite addicted to nail polish. I seriously change my polish every 4-5 days, its actually kind of ridiculous!! So that being said, I will be posting about everything mentioned above! I am very excited to begin on this journey and I really hope you all enjoy this and find everything helpful!

Thank you!

<3 Sarah 

P.S. I've never blogged before so please be patient with me as I learn how everything works! :)  

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