To be honest I had some writer's block, but wanted to put up a post! I've been consistent with my posting so I wanted to stick with it! I decided I wanted to do some kind "get to know me tag", so I googled that and found a few, but this one was one I really liked! I found it on the blog Beauty Broadcast. I read through her tag and loved it! Then after I read that...I got sucked in! :) If you've never read her blog or seen any of her videos on her YouTube channel, you need to!!!! I literally read her blog posts for two hours straight when I found it and then subscribed to it! Go check it out!
So...on to the tag! Hope you enjoy! :)
1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally wavy. I rarely wear it like that because if I let it air dry it turns into a lion's mane! It's poofy and frizzy and just crazy! But, the longer it get's the less wild it is, which is nice!
2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I have only gone to the salon once to get it colored. Other than that, I have done it myself once, but I usually have a friend or family member do it for (especially since I've had highlights).
3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it?
When I was younger I used to wear it the same every day, but not I change it up every day. One day it's in a fishtail braid, the next it's straight, the next it's in a messy bun, etc.
4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I've only ever gone to a salon a handful of times. I enjoy doing my own nails, it is very relaxing to me. Plus, I've been painting my nails since I can remember and not to toot my own horn or anything, but I feel like I can do just as great a job, if not better, than someone at a salon. Also, I'm cheap when it comes to that and rather not pay an arm and a leg for something that doesn't last that long!
5. How often do you change your nail polish?
I change my nail polish every couple of days. Although, the last few months I have been kind of lazy when it comes to my nails. I haven't made much time for them, I'm going through a phase where they just really get on my nerves and have been cutting them super short and not wearing much polish. But now that fall is coming I may just get back into it because I love me some dark fall nail polish! :)
6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?
I do polish my toes in the winter, but definitely not as much, honestly probably only once a month. It's not as important to me because people aren't going to be staring at my toes, but I do like them to be polished.
7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup?
Honestly, it depends what I'm wearing. If I'm putting a full face of makeup on, I give myself about 30 minutes. If I'm only wearing eye makeup and some face powder, about 5-10 minutes.
8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
I always do my face first. I'm not sure why, but that's just the way it happens! I think I like to see a nice even toned canvas so I can get the full effect of how my eye makeup will look! Side note: I also do my hair before my makeup, especially when using hot tools because I often sweat when I straighten or curl my hair! lol! I don't want my makeup being ruined before I step out of my house! :)
9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I definitely collect it! I try to only buy when I need something, but honestly it's so hard to do that! I have no control when I see something pretty!!!!
10. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
Never! The only time I ever wore false lashes was a couple years ago for Halloween. False lashes are something I'm kind of afraid to attempt to be honest. Plus, for the most part, I like my lashes. I have a few pairs of false lashes, but I just haven't tried them. One day I will though!
11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
Nope! I do a full face of makeup when I go out (which is not too often anymore) and sometimes for work. Lately though, I haven't been wearing it to work. A couple weeks ago I was sick and blowing my nose every 5 seconds {yes, that's kind of an exaggeration! ;) }, but then I got lazy and haven't been feeling like wearing a full face. I haven't been wearing concealer to cover my dark circles or blemishes!
12. Do you wear makeup when you're home alone or with family?
When I'm home alone I don't wear makeup. Depending on what I'm doing with my family I usually wear eye liner and mascara. Just simple. Not trying to impress anyone, but I just feel more myself when I have some makeup on, especially mascara!
13. Will you leave the house without makeup?
I will, but I don't like to. Especially if I know there's a chance I'm going to run into someone I know! I usually at least wear mascara!!
14. How many high-end products do you have?
I've never actually counted, but over the last year I have acquired quite a bit, whether I bought it or received it as gifts from family and friends. I definitely have more drugstore products though! I feel like the drugstore has some really great products, some that are even better than high-end products! I'm also one that doesn't like to spend too much on certain things, but I have been guilty of that lately (one word: MAC)! But I'm not going to get into that right now ;)
15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you're getting dressed?
I usually decided while I'm getting dressed. Unless I know I'm going to be getting up early or be rushed to go somewhere, then I'll plan those outfits out. I am a planner when it comes to most things, but with clothes it's different. I'll pick out an outfit for the next day and when I go to put it on it makes me feel fat or I'm just not liking it...which then puts me in a bad mood lol so planning my outfits don't usually turn out well!
16. How often do you change your handbag?
Not very often! I'm not super into handbags. I don't like to spend a lot on them, I just like one that looks cute, holds the things I need and is comfortable to wear (I'm obsessed with cross body bags).
17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?
It varies every day. I work part time so it just depends what time I'm scheduled to work. But I usually go to bed between midnight and one. I usually wake up between nine and ten. But as I said, it all depends!
18. How often or when do you workout?
Ha! That's funny! I couldn't tell you the last time I worked out! I need to work out, but honestly, I'm lazy and hate it! It's actually crazy to me that I hate it because I used to be an athlete and in such good shape, but going to college and not playing sports really messed that up! I try to work out, but I never stick to it! I'm sure one day I'll get into it (maybe)!
19. Left handed or right handed?
Left handed!
20. How tall are you?
21. Do you speak any foreign languages?
I speak a little bit of French. I took it all through middle school and high school and a semester my freshmen year of college, so it's been a few years! I definitely have lost a lot of it, but I can understand better than I can speak it!
22. How many pets do you have?
Well, my brother moved back home a couple months ago and he has a cat..does that count?! I am obsessed with this cat, by the way. He's honestly the coolest cat ever. I used to hate cats, but this one (Gizmo), made me love cats. I'm going to be one of those crazy cat ladies..not even lying!! But anyway, I would love a dog!
23. How often are you on Blogger?
Not every day, but a couple times a week. I try to post at least two posts a week, so between writing those and reading other blogs, probably 4-5 days a week.
24. Do you read comments posted on blogs?
Sometimes. If it's a post I'm really interested in I may read comments people posted, but not usually. I do read all comments here on my blog though! :)
25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I do keep a list of things I'd like to try in my head. I usually forget what they are though so sometimes I try to put it on my phone.
26. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well my first name is Sarah and Mac is part of my last name. And when I was little my cousins used to call me Sarah Mac, so it's kind of a nickname.
27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?
I use a Canon PowerShot SD780 IS.
28. How often do you clean your house?
Well seeing as though I still live with my parents, I don't clean my room too often :/ but I try to help my mom out every once in a while by vacuuming or doing dishes and things like that
29. What's your favorite color?
Purple! I'm obsessed with it. Sometimes I feel like I'm an eight year old girl obsessed with purple! Haha! If it's purple I want it!!!
30. Do you swear?
Sometimes. Not as often as I used to though!
31. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Going grocery shopping, I suppose I should clean my room and then I will be going to work! Trying to make it a productive day! :)
I tag anyone who wants to do this tag! Let me know if yo do it, I'd love to read it! Hope you enjoyed it! :)
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